Results for 'Franz Elieser Meyer'

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  1. Ernst Cassirer.Franz Elieser Meyer - 1969 - ([Hannover] Niedersachs.: Landeszentrale f. Polit. Bildung.
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    Die Dialektik in der Philosophie der Gegenwart. [REVIEW]Franz Meyer - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (1-2):151-152.
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    Soziologie der Arbeit. [REVIEW]Franz Meyer - 1933 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 2 (1):130-130.
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    Zur Geschichte der Philosophie. Mit Einleitung und Anhang von August Thalheimer. [REVIEW]Franz Meyer - 1932 - Zeitschrift für Sozialforschung 1 (3):411-411.
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    Asthma patients with low perceived burden of illness: a challenge for guideline adherence.Antonius Schneider, Kathrin Biessecker, Renate Quinzler, Petra Kaufmann-Kolle PharmD, Franz Joachim Meyer, Michel Wensing & Joachim Szecsenyi - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (6):846-852.
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    Ludwig Feuchtwanger – Ausgewählte Briefe an und von Martin Buber und Franz Rosenzweig.Thomas Meyer - 2006 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 13 (1):125-150.
    The edition illustrates the correspondence between Martin Buber and Ludwig Feuchtwanger and is based on four unpublished letters from the Leo Baeck Institute and the National Library Jerusalem. Among the documents included, Feuchtwanger's review of Buber's book on the origins and historical dynamic of messianism clarifies different aspects of the historical context as does the previously unknown letter from Franz Rosenzweig addressed to Ludwig Feuchtwanger.
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    Zwischen Philosophie und Gesetz: Jüdische philosophie und theologie von 1933 bis 1938.Thomas Meyer - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The present work studies for the first time the important discussions of the period from the debate between Leo Strauss and Julius Guttmann, Alexander Altmann s contribution to Jewish theology, to the reception of the work of Franz ...
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    The Literature of Pain.Jeffrey Meyers - 2007 - Human Rights Review 8 (4):409-417.
    In light of the recent Abu Ghraib prison scandal, this paper examines various works of literature to reveal that people who have prisoners in their power tend to torment their victims. Richard Henry Dana and Herman Melville’s seafaring novels reveal how the captain and his mates assume brutal, godlike powers over the common sailors; T. E. Lawrence describes how the victim’s pain can become a masochistic pleasure; Franz Kafka imagines a state of universal guilt, where the victim, an average (...)
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    MOLOSSIA - Meyer The Inscriptions of Dodona and a New History of Molossia. Pp. 201, ills, maps. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2013. Paper, €39. ISBN: 978-3-515-10311-4. [REVIEW]Yannis D. Nakas - 2014 - The Classical Review 64 (2):508-510.
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    Sofia Meyer, Der heilige Vinzenz von Zaragoza: Studien zur Präsenz eines Märtyrers zwischen Spätantike und Hochmittelalter. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2012. Paper. Pp. 383. €64. ISBN: 978-3-515-09068-1. [REVIEW]Roger Collins - 2014 - Speculum 89 (3):804-805.
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    „Philosophie als eigene Antwort auf die Frage Welt“: Briefe Felix Hausdorffs an Franz Meyer.Uwe Dathe - 2007 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 15 (2):137-147.
    The important and influential mathematician Felix Hausdorff was also the author of several remarkable philosophical books and essays. About his unusual biography between philosophy and topology we have only little knowledge. We know only few personal documents and letters. Among Hausdorff’s letters that have been preserved (about 130), the letters and postcards to the librarian, translator and artist Franz Meyer in Jena (10) give an important insight into Hausdorff’s biography and his philosophical development. They also inform about his (...)
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    Greek Walls Franz Georg Maier: Griechische Mauerbauinschriften. Erster Teil: Texte und Kommentare. (Vestigia, Beiträge zur alten Geschichte, Band 1.) Pp. 302; 35 plates. Heidelberg, Quelle und Meyer, 1959. Boards, DM. 65. [REVIEW]P. M. Fraser - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (01):86-88.
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  13. "Hinweise auf": D. M. Armstrong, Berkeley's theory of vision; R. Bäumlin, Staat, Recht und Geschichte; G. Bauer, Geschichtlichkeit; D. Baumgardt, Great Western Mystics; W. Bröcker, Formale, transzendentale und spekulative Logik; L. J. Cohen, The diversity of meaning; Einsichten ; J. G. Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts; W. Flach, Zur Prinzipienlehre der Anschauung; P. W. Hanke, Kunst und Geist; H. Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophiegeschichte; History of political philosophy, ed. Leo Strauss; H. Kantorowicz, Rechtswissenschaft und Soziologie; F. Kümmel, Über den Begriff der Zeit; Logik und Logikkalkül; G. Martin, Gesammelte Abhandlungen I; H. Meyer, Systematische Philosophie; Th. Meyer, Platons Apologie; G. H. Müller, Das philosophische Werk Franz Kröners; J. Passmore, Philosophical Reasoning; H. Rombach, Die Gegenwart der Philosophie; U. Rusker, Nietzsche in der Hispania; W. Schulz, Das Problem der absoluten Reflexion. [REVIEW]Oskar Becker - 1963 - Philosophische Rundschau 11:305-311.
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    The Phialai-Inscriptions - (E.A.) Meyer Metics and the Athenian Phialai-Inscriptions. A Study in Athenian Epigraphy and Law. ( Historia Einzelschriften 208.) Pp. 168, ills, pls. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2010. Cased, €56. ISBN: 978-3-515-09331-6. [REVIEW]Nikolaos Papazarkadas - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (2):553-555.
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  15. Semantics of Entailment 0.Robert K. Meyer & Edwin D. Mares - 1993 - In Peter Joseph Schroeder-Heister & Kosta Došen (eds.), Substructural Logics. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 239-258.
  16.  22
    Evolutionary Epistemology and its Implications for Humankind.Franz M. Wuketits - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Growing out of concerns for environment-development interlinkages expressed at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 1972, this volume is a compilation of edited versions of statements made at that conference and at the ...
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    Description Logic Handbook.Franz Baader (ed.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Description Logic Handbook covers all aspects of the research in the field of knowledge representation. Written by some of the most prominent researchers in the field, and covering the basic technical material and implementational aspects, it is both a unique reference and a self-study guide.
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    Ephemer.Petra Maria Meyer (ed.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, Brill Deutschland.
    Die Sprache weiß, wovon sie spricht. Das zeigt sich im Kompositum "ef?μe ", von dem das deutsche "ephemer" abgeleitet wurde. Während das Präfix "epi" u.a. die Bedeutungen "darauf, während, bis zu" umfasst, bedeutet "hemära" nicht nur "Tag", sondern auch "Zeit" und "Leben". Das Ephemere spricht existenziell die Daseinsweise des Menschen an. Ephemeroi, Menschen, sind "Eintagswesen", "eines Schattens Traum". Ohne das Ephemere als Kennzeichen der Moderne und Postmoderne zu vernachlässigen, unter Berücksichtigung der Wechselwirkungen mit Medienumbrüchen und Künsten stehen Fragen nach der (...)
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    Consciousness and the Present.Ulrich Meyer - 2015 - In Yuval Dolev & Michael Roubach (eds.), Cosmological and Psychological Time. Cham: Springer. pp. 143-153.
    A perennial question in the philosophy of time concerns the relation between the objective “physical time” that features in empirical theories of motion and the subjective “human time” in which our own experiences unfold. This article is about one facet of this broader question: whether the phenomenon of consciousness allows us to make a principled distinction between the present and other times. A number of authors have argued that, without conscious observers, there would be no distinctions of past, present, and (...)
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  20.  8
    Beginnings in Jewish philosophy.Meyer Levin - 1971 - New York,: Behrman House.
    Discusses the beliefs of Judaism and their application to life in today's world.
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    Untersuchungen Zur Sinnespsychologie.Franz Brentano - 1907 - Duncker Und Humblot.
    Dieser Band präsentiert den Text der Originalausgabe von 1907, drei weitere Arbeiten über ein optisches Paradoxon sowie sieben bisher unveröffentlichte Basisuntersuchungen zum Problem Sinneswahrnehmungen, die Brentano in eine zweite ...
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  22. (2 other versions)Kategorienlehre.Franz Brentano - 1923 - Hamburg,: Meiner. Edited by Alfred Kastil.
    Dem durch Kant verschütteten Verständnis der aristotelischen Kategorienlehre brach schon Brentanos erste Schrift 'Von der mannigfachen Bedeutung des Seienden nach Aristoteles' Bahn. Zu ihrem Thema kehrt er in den hier vereinten Diktaten aus seinem letzten Jahrzehnt zurück.
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  23. Vom Ursprung sittlicher erkenntniss.Franz Brentano - 1890 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 30:428-432.
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    Die Soziologie Theodor Geigers: Emanzipation von der Ideologie.Thomas Meyer - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag.
    Theodor Geiger (1891-1952) zählt zu den vernachlässigten Klassikern der deutschen Soziologie. Realismus und Ideologiekritik bilden die Klammer für ein Opus, das von der Schichtungs-, Rechts- und Erziehungssoziologie über Fragen zur Eugenik bis hin zur Erkenntnis-, Modernitäts- und Demokratietheorie reicht. Die vorliegende Studie ist der Versuch, trotz der zahlreichen Wechselfälle in Geigers Leben eine Gesamtwürdigung seines umfangreichen und heterogenen Werkes vorzulegen. Berücksichtigt werden die zum Teil schwer zugänglichen Schriften aus dem skandinavischen Exil sowie einige bislang unveröffentlichte Arbeiten aus dem Nachlass. Dies (...)
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  25. Die Welt der Philosophin.Ursula I. Meyer - 1995
    Der vierbändige Titel Die Welt der Philosophin liefert eine anschauliche Darstellung vom Leben einzelnen Philosophinnen, die als Repräsentantinnen ihrer Zeit zu sehen sind. Mit Auszügen aus ihren Texten (zum Teil erstmals in deutscher Übersetzung), ausführlichen Einführungen in die historische Epoche mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Lage der Frauen und einer ausführlichen Biografie bieten die Bände spannenden Einblicke in das Leben von Philosophinnen. The four-volume title The World of the Female Philosopher provides a vivid account of the lives of individual female philosophers (...)
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  26. More Early Writings by Leo Strauss from the Jüdische Wochenzeitung für Cassel, Hessen und Waldeck.Thomas Meyer & Michael Zank - 2012 - Interpretation 39 (2):109-138.
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    The animat approach to cognitive science.Jean-Arcady Meyer - 1995 - In H. L. Roitblat & Jean-Arcady Meyer (eds.), Comparative Approaches to Cognitive Science. MIT Press. pp. 27--44.
  28. Verbesserung zu Cicero de Oratore I § 30.W. Meyer - 1880 - Hermes 15 (4):614.
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    Ethische Theorie praktisch: der fundamental-moraltheologische Ansatz in sozialethischer Entfaltung.Franz Furger, Klaus Arntz, Peter Schallenberg & Thomas Schwartz - 1991
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    Rejecting Right and Left: Heinrich Pesch and Solidarism.Franz H. Mueller - 1951 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 26 (4):485-500.
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    Introduction - Intergenerational Justice and Its Challenges.Axel Gosseries & Lukas Meyer - 2009 - In Gosseries Axel & Meyer Lukas H. (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press.
    This Introduction tells the story of intergerational justice and how it has influenced philosophers and political thinkers throughout history. The Introduction goes on to discuss the aims of the book, which is to offer a sustained discussion of intergenerational justice as seen by practical philosophers. The first part of the book focuses on the way in which various schools of thought in moral and political philosophy approach the domain of intergenerational justice, while the second part focuses on more specific aspects, (...)
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    Über Ernst Machs "Erkenntnis Und Irrtum".Franz Brentano - 1988 - Amsterdam: Rodopi. Edited by Ernst Mach, Roderick M. Chisholm & Johann Christian Marek.
  33. De la problématologie.Michel Meyer - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (1):115-118.
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  34. Chain of causes : What is stoic fate?Susan Sauvé Meyer - 2009 - In Ricardo Salles (ed.), God and cosmos in stoicism. New York: Oxford University Press.
  35. A comment on some recent arguments in evolutionary epistemology — and some counterarguments.Franz M. Wuketits - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (3):357-363.
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    Entailment and relevant implication.Robert K. Meyer - 1968 - Logique Et Analyse 11:472-479.
  37. An overview of tableau algorithms for description logics.Franz Baader & Ulrike Sattler - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):5-40.
    Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms that are descended from semantic networks and frames via the system Kl-one. During the last decade, it has been shown that the important reasoning problems (like subsumption and satisfiability) in a great variety of description logics can be decided using tableau-like algorithms. This is not very surprising since description logics have turned out to be closely related to propositional modal logics and logics of programs (such as propositional dynamic logic), for which (...)
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    (1 other version)Dialectic and Questioning: Socrates and Plato.Michel Meyer - 1980 - American Philosophical Quarterly 17 (4):281 - 289.
  39. Von der Klassification der psychischen Phenomene.Franz Brentano - 1913 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 21 (5):25-26.
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  40. Virtue, Happiness, Knowledge: Themes from the Work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin.David Brink, Susan Sauvé Meyer & Christopher Shields (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Fifteen leading philosophers explore a set of themes from the pioneering work of Gail Fine and Terence Irwin, in ancient philosophy but also in later periods and in systematic philosophy. The contributors discuss knowledge, rhetoric, freedom and practical reason, virtue and the good life, ethics and politics in Plato and Aristotle and beyond. The editors offer an introduction charting the scholarly contributions of Fine and Irwin and assessing their individual and joint impact, together with a complete bibliography of their writings.
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  41. Surprise.R. Reisenzein, W. U. Meyer & M. Niepel - 2009 - In David Sander & Klaus Scherer (eds.), Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences. Oxford University Press. pp. 386--387.
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  42. Figures et conflits rhétoriques.Michel Meyer & Alain Lempereur - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (1):122-123.
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    Die Anfänge der mittelalterlichen Ars dictandi.Franz Josef Worstbrock - 1989 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 23 (1):1-42.
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    Darwinism: Still a challenge to philosophy.Franz M. Wuketits - 1988 - Zygon 23 (4):455-467.
    Abstract:Charles Darwin died in 1882—more than a hundred years ago. His doctrine, however, is still alive. Recently there has been particular interest in his ideas among philosophers. These ideas are indeed a challenge to (traditional) philosophy: To take Darwin seriously means to revise—or even to destroy—some positions in (traditional) philosophy. Among the philosophical disciplines which have been affected by Darwin's ideas are epistemology and moral philosophy (ethics). In the present paper I shall discuss the epistemological and ethical consequences of Darwin's (...)
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  45. Evolution, cognition, and survival: Evolutionary epistemology and derivative topics.Franz M. Wuketits - 1997 - World Futures 51 (1):47-93.
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    Evolutionsmodelle in der Erklärung menschlicher Denkstrukturen im 19. Jahrhundert.Franz M. Wuketits - 1983 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 6 (1-4):115-122.
    Since the 19th century the theory of evolution has been the guide not only of biological research, but of the explanation of man's psychic and mental abilities, too. In particular Herbert Spencer's and Charles Darwin's works gave rise to an evolutionary view of human mind (evolutionary psychology). This view was generalized to the explanation of epistemic structures like science and was adopted by many philosophers and scientists, e. g. Boltzmann, Mach, and others. Under the influence of Darwin's theory of natural (...)
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    Evolution und die Frage nach dem Sinn.Franz M. Wuketits - 2003 - Philotheos 3:78-88.
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    On the Notion of Teleology in Contemporary Life Sciences.Franz M. Wuketits - 1980 - Dialectica 34 (4):277-290.
    SummaryThe present paper is devoted to the problem of teleology in modern biology. Teleology is restricted to the phenomenon of goal‐directedness, whereas goal‐intended actions are denied. Thus, only the aspect of seemingly material teleology or teleonomy is required which paraphrases functions of certain value for the self maintenance of a system and is explainable without reference to vitalistic premises.Some aspects of evolution and selection are discussed and subsumed under a systems‐theoretically oriented view. Furthermore it is stressed that teleological explanations are (...)
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  49. The philosophy of evolution and the myth of progress.Franz M. Wuketits - 1997 - Ludus Vitalis 5 (9):5-18.
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    Lässt sich die Wohnungsnot philosophisch therapieren?Franz Zeder - 2023 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 48 (3):443-449.
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